Father Joe

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Philadelphia, PA, United States
Priest - Stella Maris Church - Major, US Army, Retired - Fr. attended Officers Basic, Advanced & Combined Army Service Select Schools. 1st assignment was 5th Bn, 101st AirBorne in KY, deploying in ’90 with the 101st to Saudi Arabia in Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Also: 5th of the 2nd Air Defense Artillery in Crailsheim, FRG for 2 yrs; Bamberg for 1.5 yrs. The Field Artillery Tng Ctr at Ft Sill, OK in 94 & 95. Post Catholic Pastor at Ft Sill in 96 & 97. In 97 to the USAG, Yongsan, Korea. In 98 to the USAG at Ft Wainwright, AK. 11/01 to HST USAG, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. In 9/02 he deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, serving soldiers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait & Iraq. His awards & decorations include the Bronze Star, the Air Assault Badge, the Meritorious Service, Army Commendation, Army Achievement, Korea Defense Service, Global War on Terrorism Service, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary, National Defense Service, Armed Forces Expeditionary, Southwest Asia Service, Saudi Arabia and Kuwaiti Liberation & Overseas Medals.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Men Who Paid Freedom’s Price

On July 4, 1776, there was signed in the City of Philadelphia one of America’s historic documents: the Declaration of Independence. It marked the birth of this nation which, under God, was destined for world leadership. We often forget that, in declaring independence from an earthly power, our forefathers made a forthright declaration of dependence on Almighty God. The closing words of this document solemnly declare: “With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

The fifty-six courageous men who signed that document understood that this was not just high-sounding rhetoric. They knew that if they succeeded, the best they could expect would be years of hardship in a struggling new nation. If they lost, they would face a hangman’s noose as traitors. Of the fifty-six, few were long to survive. Five were captured by the British and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes, from Rhode Island to Charleston, sacked, looted, occupied by the enemy, or burned. Two lost their sons in the army. One had two sons captured. Nine of the fifty-six died in the war, from hardships or from its bullets.

Whatever ideas you have of the men who met that hot summer in Philadelphia, it is important that we remember certain facts about the men who made this pledge: they were not poor men or wild-eyed fanatics. They were men of means; rich men, most of them, who enjoyed much ease and luxury in their personal lives. But they considered liberty much more important than the security they enjoyed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. They fulfilled their pledge. They paid the price. And freedom was won. Someone once said, “To be born free is a privilege. To die free is an awesome responsibility.” Yet freedom is never free. It is always purchased at great cost. Little did John Adams know how significant his words would be when he spoke to his wife, Abigail, on the passing of the Declaration of Independence and said, “I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this declaration and support and defend these states; yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means.”

To those who sacrificed for our freedom, the end was worth the painful means. Where would we, who are citizens of the United States of America, be today if there had not been those who counted the cost of freedom and willingly paid for it? Where will we be tomorrow if men and women of integrity do not come forward today and pay the price to reclaim a dying America?

Every coin minted in the United States bears, along with the bust of a past hero, these words: LIBERTY- IN GOD WE TRUST. It was not lightly that our forefathers chose these inseparable words, for they knew the tremendous cost and sacrifice that had been paid to secure our freedom. In gratitude they continually acknowledged that God had made and preserved our nation. They were confident that God was blessing their endeavors because they acknowledged Him and sought His aid in all their doings. They warned future generations that the day God was not earnestly revered in America; she would become a byword among the nations. Several times in the history of our nation widespread revival has put God’s people back on course. Each time it has reversed a downward moral trend in society and ultimately unleashed profound social impact.

For in Jesus Christ lie all the secrets of the universe, the origin of life, the direction of history, the life beyond. Without at least an elementary grasp of God’s sovereign hand behind all history, which our founding fathers so clearly understood, the modern Americans will overlook the true meaning of their own land.

If many of America’s citizens have missed it, then let today’s generation know now the mighty sweep of spiritual events in our heritage and the story of how and when and why “God shed His grace on thee”.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

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